I'm not at all good at routine, either....so I kind of like this discipline
orientation just to see how I do...thought about doing my dishrack as a method
to get self to do dishes, but then, what if the dishrack never changed?  I'm
not using a fancy camera, just the izone.

Maybe we should call this 1/3 of 9 1/2 weeks.

Btw, I got your story and enjoyed it.  I am altering it today - who do I send
it to, was it Alex Cook?  If so, Alex, what is your address?  Do we keep
documentation on this?  Does it go back to you, Josh, at the end?


"Ronsen, Josh" wrote:

> > Patricia Harris wrote:
> >
> >One image, same thing, or words or painting or drawing or
> >whatever at the same time every day from the 10th of July ' til
> >the 31st -
> I started this on Saturday! A photo out of my front porch in the morning. I
> have three pictures! I started early b/c I will be leaving for Chicago at
> the end of the month...
> Routine, I'm awful at routine. We will see how often I will be able to keep
> this up. My wife has this awful auto-focus, auto-flash camera. My first
> morning to take a photo, there was a squirrel running across a telephone
> line that was in the shot! Of course, the awful camera wouldn't take a
> picture just then b/c of the auto-flash, which cannot be turned off.
> Oh well, maybe I will be able to catch another squirrel later in the month.
> I've always been fascinated by photo-a-day (or month) projects. I have
> always wished that I started a project like this 20 years ago, or was the
> subject of such a project. Anyways, now I am finally doing one!
> -Josh Ronsen
> http://www.nd.org/jronsen

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