My cats' cheese results....

Count Vladimir de Mews Russian Blue  - Hipi Iti  (wow!!! what a
Countess Rrose Calico  - Ricotta

(ed. note, both these cats are being demoted due to breakage of
my cd player : (

Marcel Proust (not a cat) is St. Paulin


> These were my cheese ratings at
> ----------------------------------
> Irina Pavlov  -  Jarlsberg
> Ironic Pavlov  -  Double Gloucester
> Frank Function  -  St. Paulin
> St. Paulin  -  Stilton
> St. Paul  -  Brie
> St. Pauline  -  Parmesan
> St. Petalpusher  -  Limburger
> St. Thomas of Assissi  -  Boursin
> St. Francis of Assissi  -  Jarlsberg
> ----------------------------------

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