for the 39 words project:

        dave baptiste chirot
        2515 N. Oakland #106
        Milwaukee, WI 53211

        for the pierre boulez

        i destroyed his work aleady--by never owning, borrowing or
checking any out of library--or stealing any

        or reading any scores etc

        thus creating a boulez free environment 

        as New Hampshite license plates read:

        Live Free or Die!

        now i have to free the boulez free environment! by assaulting it
with loud waves of music, causing the edifice to crumble, as though Joshua
had once again 'fit the battle of Jericaho and the walls came tumbling

        (beware the thought police, always on the alert to create 'free
zones"--smoke free flux free free willy free dessert with today's special, 
one free drink with coupon the free world--), 

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Josh Ronsen wrote:

> Speaking of projects, I have two projects that I may have mentioned before, but I 
>will mention again.
> 1) THE 39 WORDS -- Email me your postal address and I will send you a list of 39 
>words from a Laurence Durrell novel. You are to create a new prose text using these 
>words in order, up to 500 words or so. The 4 textual responses I have gotten from 
>this so far are amazing.
> 2) THE PIERRE BOULEZ PROJECT -- Send me a Pierre Boulez (who once wrote "all art of 
>the past must be destroyed") recording or book or score, and I will destroy it in a 
>brekekekexkoaxkoax performance. See my new web page 
>( for more details. So far I have 6CDs, 
>4LPs and promise of 1 book. I am aiming for at least 100 items.
> Please spread the word on these two projects.
> -Josh Ronsen
> --== Sent via ==--
> Before you buy.

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