riders cd have acoustic hookups--figure out a way for them to
choose what sounds they 'd like to have broadcast--"theme from rocky"--"the
walkyrie", their own breathing, rude road rage remarks, etc--and have it so
the faster they pedal, the louder the noises are
--one cd vary this in all sorts of ways--hit the "flat out" and have yr
sounds reach white noise--breaking the sound barrier anyone? a sonic
working up to a heart attack?  ominous beating and gasping sounds emerge
from those
projecting their breath while in action--the person emitting rude remarks,
in slowing down--begins to sound like sludge in slow mo--the "rocky theme"
sputters to embarrasing halt as pedaler stumbles and staggers on
seat erratically--hands slipping on the handlebars, shoes wacking
into the wheels----bring out the breathalyzer!----the "waklyrie" fall
flat--flat line sounds droning--as racer collapses--

        also small electric generators cd be run by the pedalers--hooked
up to various light machine devises--flicker--black light--kaleidescopic
trance--blinding white light white heat to sounds of the velvet
underground--Near Death Experience light bathing the rider in trouble--"a
warning from God"---Cop lights going off to the tune of "Bad boys, bad
boys whatcha gonna do when they come for you"--

        a festival as they say in France for those shows that are put on
for tourists in front of chateaux on summer nights:  SON ET LUMIERE

(sound & light)--

        the event cd then become a kind of "experience"--in trance
inducing mind blowing expanding etc "full blown production" for 
"reception" by the spectators, who in
their frenzied altered states would start contributing their own sounds,
brandishing and flourishing  their own light equipment--flash lights, blow
torches, candles, the
Olympic torch--"you name it, we flame it"--     

        in the immortal words of the Edgar Allan Poe, in his poem "El

        Ride boldly ride

        "and a good time was had by all"

        yr intrepid technician of applied explosive art, 
        --dave baptiste chirot

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