I  would like to go on the record as saying that I also value Ken Friedman's 
participation in FLUXLIST very much. The fact that, Eric Anderson & IPUT have made it 
a hostile environment for Ken is deplorable. That Ken left the list is both 
understandable and sad and I will miss his concise and intelligent comments and his 
gentle humor.

Reed Altemus

> For the record, I like Ken Friedman and will miss his enlightening, intelligent, 
>educational and WORTHWHILE posts very much. I, too, wish there were more 
>"intellectual" discussions on this this, but I assume that everyone else knows more 
>about Fluxux/art than I, so I feel as if I have little to offer in a discussion. And 
>discuss with Ken? I have pages and pages of his posts printed out in a little booklet 
>(edition of 1) that I use as reference material. So, to the vocal minority of Ken 
>Friedman haters, I shake my hands at you.
> -Josh Ronsen
> http://www.nd.org/jronsen
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> Before you buy.

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