c/o Fernando Garcia Delgado
Bacacay 3103
1406, Buenos Aires
VORTICE ARGENTINA presents a tribute website to fellow friend
and colleague EDGARDO A. VIGO, featuring artistamps, postcards,
envelopes, rubberstamps, visual poems, notes and writings,
related to mail art and its role in "Communication from far".
You will also find information about "LA PLATA, VIGO'S HOMETOWN" 
mail art international call, to take place on December 8, 2000, as part
of the activities that commemorate Mail Art Day in Argentina, established
on December 5.

You can visit Vigo's site at :  www.eavigo.com.ar
Thank you for promoting a new website dedicated to Mail Art.
Kind regards...
            " S O W   T H E   M E M O R Y "
            to stop oblivion from growing

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