Hey, it's still a good idea, I just thought you wanted all the poor starving artists 
to make some cash ;-)

--- George Free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Narcissus In Paradys wrote:
>> As a writer, I find the idea fascinating, but I just have to ask how are the 
>members making money?
>I don't think they'll ever make money at it.  I just like the idea of how the
>guy who posted the note on kuro5hin implemented an interactive web based
>community facility.
>> --- George Free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >The art may not be that good, but the community web tech is cool, I think.
>> >
>> >http://www.kuro5hin.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2000/9/19/2458/13427
>> >
>> >collective art (Media) 
>> >    Posted by luap on Tue Sep 19th, 2000 at 09:27:27 AM EST 
>> >                                                                                   
>> >
>> >    I've begun an experiment in my free time. I want to see if I can create an 
>online artistic community with
>> >    people posting their own works as well as commenting on others, sort of a 
>method for writers/poets to get
>> >    their word out and maybe even make money bypassing the publisher. Can it be 
>done? Will the produced
>> >    fiction/art be more/less real? 
>> >
>> >    I haven't really seen the 'slashdot' for literature out there yet. Instead
>> >of using one of the OS solutions out     there for community type sites, I've
>> >decided to program my own (php4 w/MySQL backend.) 
>> >
>> >    I'll be honest with you, though, in that I'm an English/Journalism major, a 
>poet at heart. I've been
>> >    fascinated with the web since '95 or so, recently delving into scripting with 
>PERL and php. (Creating art,
>> >    but in another language, that of the computer.) 
>> >
>> >    So... I guess I'm just looking for feedback on the concept and execution of 
>open source literature.
>> >    Thoughts/Suggestions/Comments appreciated...
>> ==
>> "When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
>> "Man is the dream of the dolphin."
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