I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking for to delete.
"visual basics script?", is there another name for these files.
I'm not getting anything in a find file.

All play vs. work rhetoric aside, I make a living on this computer. If
viruses are a problem on this list I'm gonna have to sign off pronto. Is
anyone on this list having any success getting rid of, or preventing this
thing from blowing their files? I'm not noticing anything do far...and don't
want to.


----- Original Message -----
From: Markku Nivalainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:08 AM

> > I fear that you cannot retrieve your mp3s etc. I had a similar
> > with a brand new seagate scsi hd. Just after I had moved 1 GB of files
> > it, it went nirvana. One year of musicmaking etc was gone, only very few
> > things on floppies.
> It also does something I don't like to all the menus.
> > First thing I would do is to remove this "scripting host", dont know how
> > this control panel is called in english, but it is in the
> > "software" panel, where you can install and deinstall additional parts
> > the "system software". Please do it at once. This is to dangerous.
> What's the name of it? I cannot find it on the list.
> Any other suggestions?
> What antivirus software I should use? I have none and am not willing to
> download tens of megabytes with this slow connection.
> mn

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