no dawn yet

        prison at the edge

        grounds close to wall

        through chink in fence

        God's try to see

                                                far-fetched letter vigils

                                                sections of personality

                                                drunken ever-lower depths

                                                wrote sinking multiplicity

        see only strip of sky

        high earthen wall

        course weeds day and night

        long years go on coming

                                                emotional basically

                                                very lonely  couldn't
                                                                        stand alone
                                                fact of parasites 
                                                rapid decline of bookings

                                cruel poverty-stricken cold

                                wind tore concrete structures

                                invincible attacked intensity

                                countless devastating gusts

        go on peep through chink

        same way will see same

        same wall same strip of sky

        sky over prison strip of sky
                                                honky-tonk beer joint

                                                variety hated conclusion

                                                suicide left as star 
                                                pulled high-class bookings
                                                        for skid row
        imagine far wide form

        irregular shut in by fence

        high deeply into earth

        touching strengthened outer prison 

                                                conflicting stories wreck
                                                body functions bony frame
                                                                as meat
                                                more and more future
                                                        was a long time
                                                seeing head skinned up 
                                                        was pretty shape

                                icy wind poisonous blew

                                reeling walls tumbled ruins

                                twisting rubble stirring odor

                                detested house groaned in blast

        strong gate always closed

        always guarded day and night

        opened out to work outside

        gate world of light like the rest

                                                worked and performed
                                                high one day down the next

                                                comin' back to go to work
                                                returning big-time mind to

        living this side of picture

        world unattainable world apart

        unlike, of its own its own its own

        house of living dead nowhere else

                                                never made it, making
                                                making halting, evidence
                                                lonesome, in last remaining
                                                running to see singing free

                                collapsed bitter truth told
                                miracle house standing blinded

                                abject shelter dilapidated walls

                                shake the house foundations

                                earthquake entrance forbidden

                                powerful cries tragic threat

                                precipitate catastrophe

                                spreading inside house so damaged

                                menace without destruction within

                                no longer anything methodical

                                decay accustomed delusions

                                recogized evil deeply concealed 

        people apart corner apart

        enclosure within inner

        prison barracks in divisions

        convicts divided in empty forms

                                                        purtiest tied up
                                                        drove forays into
                                                        memories overdose
                                                        distance from present 

        convicts names clever counting

        wide space between buildings

        prisoners walk think thoughts hidden

        eyes meeting faces thinkining counting

                                                        run-down marvelous
                                                                after death
                                                        premonitions running
                                                        premonition drove
                                                             quiet battles
                                                        no record of mind's
                                                             smooth change

                                counting counted and noted

                                marked glance see number

                                prison prison prison

                                convict prisoners ikons

                                creaking heavy courtyard gate

                                sign  of nature hopeless scheme

                                unbelievable strange gymnastics

                                inquisitive eyes out of breath


                                final Musicians music voice

                                song memory God-given music

                                lyrics sing fly mind wailing

                                God comin' down welling in eyes

                                House of the Dead

                                House of Certain Death

                                Sing a Sad Song

                                prison at the edge  

words from
F. Dostoyevsky
The HOuse of the Dead
Roger M. Williams
Sing A Sad Song  The Life of Hank Williams 
Albert Cossery 
The House of Certain Death
arranged by
david baptiste chirot

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