whilst trying to see if i could restore my jpegs, i opened an "infected"
file using Ultra Edit-32  a text/hex editor (i use it for making poetry -
grins sheepishly as admits that he doesn't know how to use a text/hex editor

there is no sign of the jpeg coding, just the virus script.  tried the same
with an mp3

interesting reading.  however what this sad, misguided individual, "Sand
Ja9e Gr0w" must realise is that - if i had not been messing around with a
program that i can just about use to rename filetypes, i would never have
realised that he/she was trying to clean up the streets of colombia by
cunningly destroying my jpeg and mp3 files.

a subtle approach methinks..

at 4:15 this morning i crept out of my appartment, went downstairs, outside
and hid a complete strangers bicycle around the corner, rolled up inside the
tubing of the frame i left a note demanding a ban on noise pollution
creating church bells.



Plan Colombia" virus v1.0
rem  by Sand Ja9e Gr0w   (www.colombia.com)

rem  Dedicated to all the people that want to be hackers or crackers, in
rem  This program is also a protest act against the violence and corruption
that Colombia lives...
rem  I always wanting that all this finishes, I have said...

rem  Santa fe de Bogotá 2000/09
rem  I dedicate to all you the song "GoodBye" of Andreas Bochelli

rem  Thanks God..!
rem  A greeting for "Lina María" from "Santa fe de Bogotá"
rem  A greeting for "Tizo" from "Spain"
rem  And One kicked of tail to my friends, "eL ChE" and "ThE SpY"

rem  okay, ok...
rem  my baby start here...

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