dear fellow worker pez:

        i will check for you the address--but i think the deadline is

        i forwarded this in case people on the list who participated had
not heard the news yet that the catalogues are being made & what the dates
for the exhibition are to be
        you are happily blessed to have orange trees!

        in our neighborhood the only oranges for now are  
        the warning cones and stiff yet pliant plastic fencings put out
        for traffic control
        by construction sites

        i will check for the address, though--as still have it


On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, narvis & ...pez wrote:

> cause i have orange trees
> i lovit to participate in such a convocatori
> but
> to which adress?
> ...pez
> At 02:49 pm -0600 17/11/00, David Baptiste Chirot wrote:
> >
> >A// ESPA-OL
> >
> >
> >"Amigos Mail-artistas:
> >
> >La exposiciÛn correspondiente a la convocatoria MAIL ART "LA NARANJA:
> >EXPRIME TUS IDEAS" se inaugurar· en
> >El Puig (Valencia) el prÛximo 28 de enero de 2001. A partir de ese
> >momento comenzaran a enviarse los cat·logos.
> >
> >Muchas gracias por vuestra participaciÛn."
> >
> >
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                               Comisario exposiciÛn
> >
> >
> >
> >"Amics Mail-artistes:
> >
> >L¥exposiciÛ corresponent a la convocatÚria MAIL ART "LA TARONJA: ESPREM
> >LES TEUES IDEES" s¥inaugurarý al
> >Puig (ValËncia) el prÚxim 28 de gener de 2001. A partir d¥aquest moment
> >s¥hi enviaran els catýlegs.
> >
> >Moltes grýcies per la vostra participaciÛ"
> >
> >
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                                Comissari exposiciÛ
> >
> >
> >"Amis Mail-artistes:
> >
> >Le vernissage correspondant ý la convocation MAIL ART "L¥ORANGE: PRESSE
> >TES IDŠES" aura lieu ý El Puig
> >(Valence-Espagne) le prochain 28 janvier 2001. C'est ý partir de ce
> >moment que l¥on commencera ý envoyer les
> >catalogues.
> >
> >Merci beaucoup de votre participation."
> >
> >
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                              Comissaire de l¥exposition
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >"Mail-Freunde- K¸nstler:
> >
> >entsprechende Ausstellung wird in El Puig
> >(Valencia-Spanien) am n”chsten 28 januar 2001 er–ffnet. Die Kataloge
> >werden erst ab jenem Moment geschickt werden.
> >
> >Vielen Dank f¸r Eure Teilnahme."
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                               Ausstellungskommissar
> >
> >
> >
> >"Dear Mail-art friends:
> >
> >The exhibition MAIL-ART "THE ORANGE: SQUEEZE YOUR BRAINS" will open in
> >El Puig, (Valencia-Spain) on
> >january 28, 2001. Catalogues will be mailed over to you from that date
> >on.
> >
> >Thank you all for your participation."
> >
> >
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                                Organizer exhibition
> >
> >
> >
> >"Amici Mail-artisti:
> >
> >La mostra corrispondente alla convocazione MAIL ART "L¥ARANCIA: SPREMI
> >LE TUE IDEE" verrý inaugurata a El
> >Puig (Valencia-Spagna) il prossimo 28 gennaio 2001. A partire da questa
> >data si spediranno i cataloghi.
> >
> >Grazie della vostra partecipazione."
> >
> >                               Francesc Orts Hurtado
> >
> >                               Comisari de l¥ExposiciÛ
> >
> >
> >-------------------------------
> >

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