Dear Fluxlisters, Just taking a few moments and using the hapless Bowman's electric mailing device to follow up a current investigation. Following a recent attempt by the FFFO Publishing Division to offload some of the rubbish it had lying around its vaults and the subsequent, and as expected, disastrous attempt by Bowman to "lend a hand", it would appear that a certain document has been, mislaid. It would appear that Bowman has, rather spectacularly, posted off to an unknown and unrecorded recipient, the original proof copy of "Inherited Phonetic Alphabet" He is, quite rightly, feeling somewhat stupid about this. As it would appear that a few persons on this list are the only few who ever pretend to be interested in this "stuff" Bowman knock's out, we are trying here first. If anyone receives a copy of "Inherited Phonetic Alphabet" with "PROOF NOT FOR SALE" stamped on the back in red, can you let us know? I reckon he's posted it after being too lazy to print off a copy, forgotten who to and when, wouldn't be the first time..either that or he's using it as a bookmark! Although, bless him, he is wandering around in a rather confused state, he even looked in his sock drawer. He should drink less if you ask me. Yours L.Mow-Banana FFFO Publishing Div - Blunder Investigation Dept.