Estimado pez:

        many thanks for your wonderful prhasings--

        "obsolete paraphernalia from a hat"!

        as there is also myth of Dada being name "pulled out of hat"!


On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, narvis & ...pez wrote:

> At 03:50 pm +0100 12/12/00, Eric Andersen wrote:
> >Here it seems that people much more are looking for a
> >stereotyped legend.
> recognition of old forms
> it's not a wrong way to newones.
                "It is not the elements which are new, but the order of
                 their arrangement."

                --Blaise Pascal

                "A Dadaist is someone  who loves life in all its
                uncountable forms, and who knows, and says, that
                'Life is not here alone, but also there, there,
                there (in german: da, da, da).'" 

                --Johannes Baader, Oberdada of Berlin, in
                Die freie Strasse, December 1918 issue

                quoted in DADA ART AND ANTI-ART
                by Hans Richter  (New York:  McGraw Hill)
                p. 215

> perhaps there are only opinions
> about who, when or where was correct or not
> mere like or dislike
> about all this junk "in & out"  from fifties.
> obsolete paraphernalia from a hat
> reborn again & again in new & unexpected
> forms & places like maracay!!!!!!!
> for instance, fluxus is alive
> with beuys myth included
> ok, why not ?
> ...pez
>                               dada baptiste chirot

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