PK, thanks for your previous comments. You asked a long time ago for a reference of my 
previous posting it is: 
About painting from aaron... Forget relevance, politics, sociology, psychology, 
science, history, critics, forget it 
all! Look inside yourself, look at the material, cut through the crap, be brave, 
create only for self relevance, self 
reference, forget importance, forget value, hang nothing on yourself or on art. let it 
not be about something else, 
let you and your relationship with art be pure! Who really knows anything about the 
rest of those subjects, who 
really knows much of anything about themselves? What can you actually authenticly 
participate in or 
opinionate about besides your own life? Not much!
Developmental Facility for the Design, Manufacture and Export of FLUX.MEX.US.
Patricia wrote:

  I wouldn't say painting is dead, nor is it irrelevant - it's just that the
  field has expanded a great deal into other media since the huge shock value of
  the Salon Refusee and the Armory Show of 1913.  Shock value seems to have
  transferred itself to installations, assemblage, digital work and
  photography.  And, of course - Art & Politics - always reflective of the
  times, seems to be reflected more in the latter mediums.

  Speaking of Art & Politics - wonder what we can expect from the next 4 years?

  " In 1555, Nostradamus wrote:
  Come the millennium, month 12,
   In the home of greatest power,
  The village idiot will come forth
  To be acclaimed the leader."

  But I digress.   I've just been reading the venerable "Art Forum" (can't find
  much else out there) and a review of "Glee:  Painting Now" a traveling show
  now at the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art.  To excerpt part of the review:

  "  'Glee?'  Only in the wake of 13,000-plus stock market averages would such a
  title be imaginable.  Optimism, confidence, and fun are the watchwords here,
  and the curators, Amy Cappellazzo (of the Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary
  Art, where the exhibition will travel next) and the Aldrich's Jessica Hough,
  are pretty open about the fact that these twenty artists 'skirt weighty
  subject matter of politicized content.'  the show is premised on the idea tht
  painting exists with more conviction now that it has been forced to shed some
  of its worn conventions and historical baggage in order to survive alongside
  new digital technologies.  Might as well call the show "Easy."

  Certainly, painting is alive and well and there are those who stir
  controversy, but most of what I see would be considered "decorative" and
  that's not necessarily a pan.

  Looking through the Artforum reviews, I find the following subject matter:

  installation, painting, installation, photography, design, video, video, video
  about painting, installation, installation, painting, installation, painting,
  photography, video, work on paper, painting, sculpture paintings and drawings,
  paintings, relief, painting, painting, photography, painting, photography,
  sculpture, painting, installation, installation, video, painting, assemblage
  (I think), installation, painting, video

  (God, I'm exhausted!!!)  Anyway, according to Artforum percentages, if they
  are any guide, it would appear painting is alive!!  Metaphorically speaking, I
  think it's making its own....metaphors.


  "A free spirit takes liberties even with liberty itself."
  Francis Picabia

  Aaron Kimberly wrote:

  > Hi Everyone,
  > I'd enjoy hearing your comments about painting. I recall seeing a set of
  > paintings at the Whitney over a year ago of "Divas". The commentary called
  > into question whether painting is still a living language or
  > historical/sentimental like 'opera'. Perhaps Baudelaire would agree that
  > painting is no longer the ideal vehicle for engaged metaphors of modern
  > life. Yet, there remains the compulsion to paint. Do we risk irrelivance?
  > What do you think?

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