>Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 13:13:36 UT
>Subject: A MOMENT OF SILENCE... FOR eToys Inc.
>thousands mourn : we all just lost a player,
>9 billion dollars and a legendary "s"...
>the following message was distributed among
>the business community tonight - right after
>eToys Inc. officially went out of business...
>http://www.etoy.com/ - a moment of silence.
>on all the desks of the analysts at this moment:
>         ******************
>SUBJECT: eToys Inc. founder Toby Lenk offered
>position on etoy.CORPORATION board.
>eToys Inc. <fmr.ETYS> - recently worth 9 billion
>dollars on NASDAQ - filed for bankruptcy <Chapter 11>
>etoy.CORPORATION comments: "For young entrepreneurs
>like us this just marks the end of phase II (massive
>seed) in the process of turning the Internet into
>a reasonable market place. We still love the
>challenge of this business and the development of
>exciting playgrounds. Burning capital for crazy
>business plans is a good thing to do and "bricks-
>and-mortar" is just not the kick we are looking
>for. It's the groove that keeps us making culture
>and cash. Let's enjoy phase III! We do what we can
>do to keep the wheels turning. Sometimes even the
>other way around if it works better that way".
>The etoy.CREW takes a respectful bow before eToys'
>corporate grave: "These guys went out to shake
>things up. Ok, their business plan needs to be
>scrapped and the way they tried to solve disputes
>was neither smart nor ethical. But business is
>hard and Mr. Lenk a young man. All he needs is
>better partners and to learn to play well with
>others", explains etoy's in-house Counsel Kubli.
>"Money is like a false friend - As soon as you
>face trouble it leaves you. Today almost everybody
>can cause trouble without even leaving the house.
>That's not a bad thing. CEOs, lawyers and investors
>simply have to learn how to deal with this fact
>instead of wasting energy on old-fashioned power.
>Communicate before you take action and think twice
>about your enemies! They may be nicer than you
>think", said Internet scholar Dr. Grether from
>Constance University and founder of
>www.netzwissenschaft.de who closely followed the
>fundamental trademark dispute renowned as "TOYWAR".
>Mrs. Monorom, Executive Officer of the etoy.VENTURE-
>CAPITAL group adds: "The Porsche that is parked in
>your garage is connected to the life you live and
>the cash you burn to the friends and enemies you
>have. If YOU don't connect those things yourself
>etoy will do it for you. Whether you like it or not.
>The digital revolution goes on. Thousands spend
>every minute of their lives learning how to use
>their electronic toys to become players generating
>impact - to be part of the code of tomorrow".
>Even Zai makes no bones about it: "Mr. Lenk, let's
>try and bury the hatchet. Now that you've lost your
>"s", why not come and play with us. As CEO of etoy,
>I personally invite you to join our board. Together
>we are an unrivalled team. Imagine! We could really
>rock the party".
>Think about it. ARTISTS & BUSINESSMEN, tonight, as
>you all open your cold beers or a bottle of Chateau
>Mouton Rothschild 1989 from wine.com <no symbol>.
>It is the privilege of all who are able to read this
>message to think about the future of human culture.
>It's a real luxury to invest and lead. Bad business
>is like bad art: not worth your resources, boring
>and fading away fast.
>etoy.CORPORATION - www.etoy.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>24 hour press office etoy.TANK14: ++41 1 242 40 81

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