>From: "Josh Ronsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FLUXLIST: RE: the first 100 days
>Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:59:51 -0700
>Patricia sends in:
> >>  >The following is a poem composed entirely of actual quotes from
> >>  >George W.  The quotes have been arranged by Washington Post
> >>  >writer Richard Thompson.
> >>  >
>[poem deleted]
>God damn. So he is stupid and talks funny: cut him some slack. I'm sure if 
>you were a stupid, funny-talking son of a one-termer and were just a tiny 
>pawn in the hands of huge mega-corporations you wouldn't want people to 
>pick on every little thing you said.
>-Josh Ronsen
>im not sure that if i was in such a possition that i would know what 
>everything i was saying was       perhapse i should just pump carbon 
>monoxide out instead of hot air..................jc
>--== Sent via Deja.com ==--

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