yet another erroneous attack. i never said
he should'nt be able to post. this would be the tenth
time i've said this, i only suggested that
he post his poetry with links.

i am noting you are fond of hacking up straw men.
you know what a "straw man" is don't you?
in case you don't it's where in an arguement one
attacks a fabricated construction, i.e makes up false
things about the opponent and then proceeds
to criticize based on that.


At 10:44 PM -0700 5/27/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
>Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 13:50:27 -0600
>From: Deborah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: rere vote, links for everyone
>At 03:38 PM 5/27/01 -0500, jason pierce wrote:
>>that brings up another thing if somebody
>>wants to publicly post their poetry they
>>should expect a little negative criticism.
>>it kind of goes with the territory.
>Saying someone's work shouldn't be posted, when they happen to be prolific,
>is not critiquing. It's an attempt at censorship.

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