Terrence writes;

Is E-bay's  legal department going too far?

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artnatural =-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] vs artists
terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:14pm September 2, 2001

does e-bay have a sense of culture or is it only interested in exclusive
community creation to support a
corporate drive for profit and e-power at the cost of culture?

           FLUXLIST: eBay wants www.ebayart.com
           Sun, 26 Aug 2001 14:09:11 -0400
           allen bukoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           "Susan K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I registered ebayart.com a couple of years ago thinking that it would make
a nice home for a website that would document the various "art" projects
that we've been seeing on eBay.com for several years now (some of which I
think have been really clever, some of which I think have been really
interesting). Despite my best intentions I haven't had the time to create
this site...one of many projects on a back burner. eBay-the-company has
finally caught up with me, though. I don't think this is really a big deal
or worthy of a fight--doing a website cataloging art projects using
eBay.com can still be done (and maybe already has...anyone know of any such
websites?)...without using a domain name that eBay the company finds

I've been noticing in the press recently how eBay-the-company is getting a
bad reputation as a corporate bully. It's ironic, of course, that eBay's
very meaning and existence depends on a very democratic person-to-person
process. Some people/companies just don't understand what they have or
what they are. - Allen B

       From: PF-Enforcement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Domain Name Registration - EBAYART.COM
       Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 13:45:46 -0700

       Dear Domain Name Registrant: It recently has come to our attention
       that you have registered one or more domain names that include the
       eBay name and trademark, and that you may also be operating a Web
       site incorporating the eBay name. As you know, eBay is a leader in
       person-to-person online trading and maintains the www.ebay.com Web
       site. eBay owns exclusive trademark rights to the eBay name in the
       United States and internationally. eBay has made a substantial
       investment in developing and providing its services and has acquired
       a tremendous amount of goodwill and brand equity in the eBay name. As
       we hope you can appreciate, eBay is concerned that your unauthorized
       use of the eBay name may cause confusion as to whether you or your
       company's activities are authorized, endorsed or sponsored by eBay
       when, in fact, they are not.

       Federal and state laws, including the Anticybersquatting Consumer
       Protection Act of 1999, recently passed by Congress, provide for
       serious penalties (up to $100,000) against persons who, without
       authorization, use, sell, or offer for sale a domain name that
       infringes another's trademark. Infringers who have been notified of
       such infringing activity, but do not cease their infringements, may
       also be considered "willful" and could be subject to additional money
       damages. Having received this e-mail, you are on such notice .

       For your information, the text of the Anticybersquatting Act may be
       found at http://www.submerged-ideas.com/litigation/anticybersquat.htm
       More information on trademark law may be found at

       While eBay respects your rights of expression and desire to do
       business on the World Wide Web, eBay must enforce its own rights in
       order to protect its valuable and famous name. We appreciate that you
       may have registered the above-mentioned domains with the best of
       intentions and without full knowledge of the law in this area.
       Nonetheless, under the circumstances, we must insist that you: (1)
       stop using the eBay name in your domain name; (2) do not use such
       domain name(s) on an active web site; (3) do not renew such domain

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Eryk Salvaggio wrote:

> Allen Bukoff, over at Fluxlist, registered "ebayart.com"
> with the intention of linking to ebay-based conceptual art,
> and, even though he hadn't put anything on it, ebay sent
> a cease and desist letter to him for using their name.
> So, eh, be careful. :)
> -e.
> Greg Sidal wrote:
> >
> > I didn't know that ebay had canceled Daines' auction
> > as well.  When I browsed to his page a couple of
> > months ago, the auction appeared to be running
> > (Micheal doesn't seem to remember what actually
> > happened back when it started according to his posts).
> >
> > I've been mulling over creating a ConceptBay.org site
> > for a couple of months now.  You would be able to
> > carry these auctions through, but you wouldn't own the
> > concept, you'd own (i.e. have social control over) the
> > database records associated with the auction.  You
> > could then decide whether to let people browse the
> > records or portions of them, and whether to resell at
> > a later time.  There might also be a meta-currency
> > that would exist only for the site, whose exchange
> > rates would fluctuate in relation to the "real"
> > currencies controlled by the nation states.
> >
> > Haven't decided yet whether it's worth doing though.
> >
> > -greg
> > http://www.geocities.com/gregsidal
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> >

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