My attachments should never be deleted!!
Exclamation point!!
Viruses are not allowed (according to Norton)!!
Princess Petal!!
aka Princess Petal, Jr.!!
(whose isp has mucked up her rather dated website, since she
has no glimmer of how to switch servers, but not for long, if
she has anything to do with it, and she does, she does...heh

Roger Stevens wrote:

> Hi -
> Anyone heard from Patricia lately?
> I've had some empty e-mails with attachments recently
> which I've deleted.
> I wondered if maybe she'd caught this new virus.
> Or, if not her, then her computer.
> You know what I mean.
> BTW Some interesting poems from teenagers about the
> Tragedy on my kids' website, if anyone's interested.
> >From the home page go to the Gallery
> and from there to Teen Scene.
> The Poetry Zone offers young people the chance
> to publish their poetry on the web. It also has interviews
> with famous poets and resource material for teachers.
> http://www.poetryzone.co.uk

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