Perhaps Reed is referring to this:

After the success of Fluxlist's Happy New Ears
a collection of Fluxus inspired poetry
we decided to do a second -
with not only poetry but any creative writing (event scores, etc)
inspired by Fluxus.

I am the compiler of the new work
Unfortunately my hard drive exploded and I lost everything 
that was on my computer, including all fluxy entries so far.
(sorry, Reed and everyone who sent things)

So -
I am extending the deadline to
JUNE 1st 2002
and requesting you re-send entries
or just send new stuff.
The physical manifestation of this project will be a book
11 1/2 inches  X 4 1/4 (A4)
and hopefully there will be a web version too.

Perhaps someone could remind everyone of the current web address
of Happy New Ears as I've lost that too.

Needless to say, I am now regularly backing up my files.

Yours in Flux


> what FLUXLIST poetry compilation?
> Reed Altemus wrote:
> > poetry compilation?

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