Mine should be on there!

On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 01:17 AM, Bumsteinas wrote:

> some names are repeating
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sol Nte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:14 AM
> Subject: FLUXLIST: Fluxstats (beta version)
>> Hi all,
>> In a time of low traffic and with the sad loss of Patricia I began to
>> reflect upon the list. I know some people aren't too keen on reflection
> but
>> I find it a useful process. What I've found is that the list has 
>> achieved
>> far more than I thought and Patricia made a very major 
>> contribution,even
>> bigger than I'd thought before. Each project or exchange considered in
>> isolation maybe a relatively small moment but the reality is that over
>> almost 6 years now (Fluxlist began in April 1996) Fluxlist has 
>> produced a
>> substantial body of work.
>> The first area of my reflection was wanting to know just how many 
>> people
> had
>> come and gone from the list over its life and how many posts they'd 
>> sent.
> To
>> do this I used  the Fluxlist date index   at
>> http://aporee.org/fluxus/list/maillist.html  and I wrote a program to
>> extract from  the date index the author of each message and count the
> number
>> of times their name appeared (i.e. how many messages they sent) and 
>> then
>> write the results to an html file.
>> Anyway the results are up at http://solnte.50g.com/stats/  biggish file
>> (127k) but I wanted all names on one page so that people could see how
> much
>> they'd participated.
>> Of course since at various points the archive has been down there is a
> small
>> error margin in these figures but the figures are certainly 
>> proportionally
>> representative.  Anyway if you want to see how many messages you've 
>> sent
> to
>> Fluxlist have a look, senders are in alphabetical order.
>> BTW - Any social science statistics heads are welcome to suggest futher
>> interesting data we could extract from the archives/analyse.
>> BTW - this is the beta version of this page since the html my program
>> generated is slightly flawed in Netscape( Not in IE) and I haven't had
> time
>> to re-write the code yet...just thought some of you may be as excited 
>> as
> me
>> at these stats.....I only thought of a method of doing this analysis 
>> last
>> friday and wanted to share results with you all as quickly as possible.
>> cheers,
>> Sol.
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