Alan wrote:

>interesting though, that  after maciunas' death, many of the artists
to produce much more ,mainstream, work - dick higgins did a lot of

I assume that after 20 years he fancied a change, he kept up the publishing
and writing though.

>as for people rubbishing the list, well i don,t really take that much
notice - each to their own and all that, however, as with my previous (badly
made point)  it's the reaction to the rubbishing that intrigues me.

why do we get such strong reactions?  what makes you want to defend the list
so much.
this is not meant in a confrontational way, ive been on the list since

I guess I just hate the pomposity of the Eric Andersen's viewpoint. Yes we
should probably just ignore him but for some reason we never do.
I resent his being patronising towards Don and Allen who I think do a lot
for Fluxus. Ironically if it wasn't for Allen's efforts this list wouldn't
even keep going as he has done most of the admin, including developing the
websites etc that keep our little community going. What has Eric Andersen
ever done for anyone on this list except try and make them feel bad?

Anyway I'm getting bored of Fluxus, thinking of getting into Dada or
Pataphysics ;)

My other idea was to use the Fluxus name in deliberate provocation e.g.
producing the following text as a rubber stamp

Founded for spite, March 2002

Childish huh?

Anyway Rod's right we should really be putting our energies into something
more productive.

How many covers have you got for the address book Carol?



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