would that be chocolate cake?

bests, carol  ;)

Sol Nte wrote:

> meryl wrote:
> >I can also make myself disappear, but only at the office.<
> Interesting, these site-specific superpowers.
> Mine would be ultra-slack.......actually that's just wishful thinking but I
> am developing a serum so who knows. To this end I'm always on the lookout
> for a house to rent with a large cellar in which I can build my secret
> laboratory which will be so full on that you won't be able to move for test
> tubes, conical flasks and bunsen burners. Actually so far the only lab
> equipment I have is the poor man's computer controlled microscope (Intel
> Qx3) which probably wouldn't cut it in the heady world of the genome project
> and their ilk.........then again I prefer the world of renegade half-arsed
> pseudo science.......where my great work will possibly attain higher
> standing unless someone invents a special magnet that you can attach to your
> tongue to attract cake!!!!!!!!
> cheers,
> Sol.

carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa
web: http://www.CarolStarr.net

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