Hi Meryl,

>Better Homes and Gardens magazines from the mid 50s through the early 70s.
Lot's of 'em.  Also, old books about pet care (any pet except tarantulas).

If all else fails, tarot cards.  If that fails (and it usually does), plant
yourself in front of a TV for 3 or 4 hours.<

Never seen Better Homes and Gardens magazine but have some old pet care
books for unusual pets (e.g. crocodiles, just bought the book but never
found anywhere selling crocodiles :( ) published by TFH Publications I
think,........ very cool.

TV, well I've already done that...........not very inspiring
though.......yesterday I even watched a re-run of Magnum PI (11.00am every
weekday channel 5, for any UK fluxlisters currently working from home,
unemployed etc. and wanting to relive Tom Selleck's moustache-based
detective magic)...although I decided not to switch over for Quincy once it
had finished....seems that whilst we're in 2002 TV land is circa 1981 and
Glen A .Larson is king. Although having said that this is still way better
than the drivel they make now. Interestingly there seems to be some
transatlantic cross-pollenation drivel-wise as I saw a show called the
Frontier House which apparently was made because the US fanbase for the 1900
house (back in time TV to  middle class England with servants circa 1900,
good reminder why we should still be interested in class
struggle......anyway) was so huge.

Tarot, well I have a set but they freaked me out a little about 14 years ago
and I haven't used them since, just in case.



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