Chess Move Music

Music from moves from the chess game between HAL 9000 and Frank Poole in 2001: A Space Oddysey.


The score was done way back in 1999, but i just got round to make an audio version today!  Especially for the Fluxlist Chess shenanigans. 

(The original audio file was left in a computer in Redby Primary School, Fulwell Road, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. UK.  If any one happens to be passing if you'd pop in and get it for me I'd be most grateful)


I hope it works!  There are a couple of pauses in the middle which are quite longish but the whole thing only lasts 54 seconds...


IF anyone really can't be bothered to visit the page, but, would like to hear the piece, I can email it (699bytes only folks! diet music!)


blah blah



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