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On Saturday, Nov. 30th at 1pm, there will be a Whirl-Mart Consumption
Awareness Ritual in recognition of Buy Nothing Day.  Groups will gather to
push empty carts through the aisles of supermarkets for an hour of
contemplative resistance
to the post-thanksgiving consumer binge.

for more information on Whirl-Mart and documentation of past events visit:

The event will be taking place in the U.S. and abroad,
such as, Austin TX, Scranton PA, Kansas City, San Francisco, and also in the
UK and Canada.

if you are interested in organizing a Whirl-Mart event in the UK  email this
address direct


Whirl Mart http://www.breathingplanet.net/whirl
Fanclub shopping actions: http://www.fanclubbers.org
Reverend Billy:  http://www.revbilly.com
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