F,1,1 and f,1,1
G,1,2 and f,1,1
thats my contrabution 
crispin Webb
--- alan bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the freeformfreakout organisation 'desperately
> scrabbling about for ideas
> for the fluxlist box II project division'
> kindly request that anyone interested sends by
> return e-mail, the following:
> 1.    a letter between A & G (upper case)
> 2.    the number 1 or 2
> 3.    a number between 1 and 4
> e.g.    B, 2, 3
> and
> 1.    a letter between a & g (lower case)
> 2.    the number 1 or 2
> 3.    a number between 1 and 4
> e.g.    a,1,1
> the above processes may be repeated up to 4 times
> each.
> the resulting e-mails, on recieving, will be
> translated into the basis for a
> sound piece for the fluxlist box project.
> those people either not on fluxlist or not
> participating in the project, but
> who would still like to here the piece they
> contributed to, just let us
> know!
> erm, ooh   that's far too much concentrating for one
> morning, is it coffee
> time yet?
> yours
> Anna Wombal
> FFFO dsafiftfbIIp div.

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