hi sol and all,

one of the best sources of news about the anti war movement and protest
in general is
a newspaper that has been around for a long time.

see this site for a current bid for peace at

regarding rhizome, i believe they have a free day once a week but their
first call was for contributions and when that failed to bring in enough
to keep them going they decided to go for paid membership.

the television is filled with the war and many programs are prempted as
well as a banner on the bottom of the screen continually telling us what
is happening. there are also advertisements for the military which are
done in the 'support our troops' manner.  the government is definitely
doing a hard sell on the war and since they control the media they can
do what they want with it.
the feeling of helplessness is something that is hard to reconcile here
in the 'land of the free'.

peace now!

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