Wohow... it was in an exhibition called WHAT IS FLUXUS? WHAT'S NOT! WHY? that I knew about Fluxus for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. I didnt know it was based on a book!...
 Electra Girl ** (o_o) **
*The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history.......*
"I live in the wrong world, with the wrong friends. But I Can't change anything. When I make plans and they fail then I get depressed. That's why I don't have wishes or dreams.." Christiane F.
-----Mensagem original-----
De: allen bukoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Segunda-feira, 26 de Maio de 2003 03:02
Assunto: FLUXLIST: What's Fluxus. What's Not!

Owen or anyone,

Was surfing amazon.com tonight and ran across this entry for a relatively
new Fluxus book:

What's Fluxus? What's Not! Why.
by Arthur Danto, Jon Hendricks (Editor), Thomas Kellein
March 2003

Anyone on FLUXLIST read this book yet?  Is Jon Hendricks still pushing the
idea that Fluxus = Maciunas/ Maciunas dies = Fluxus over?  I think I still
know of only one person who agrees with Hendricks on this (John Held,
Jr.).  Make that two (Gilbert Silverman).  Silverman has a vested interest
in this narrow definition of Fluxus, of course, since his original
motivation in collecting Fluxus (with Jon Hendrick's help!) was to acquire
the "world's largest collection" of something.  Defining Fluxus
narrowly/historically became part of that effort.

Any new ideas or thoughts in this book from any of the
contributors?  Please share.


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