Congratulations Bertrand - well done and all that!!!!!

I hate to ask you this since I know that you just want to live a bit, but
the fluxus geek scholar in me wants to know how one might be able to 
get a copy of your dissertation?

No hurry on the answer just have a good time for a bit, eh?

All the best,


BTW- if anyone on the list is in the Baltimore/Washington area you might
be interested to know about the exhibition and Symposium on Dick Higgins
at UMBC. The show, based around the materials from Dicks own collection
(now at UMBC) is on for some time. The Symposium is on the 17th and after 
the paper presentations Alison and Larry will be performing in the evening. 
If anyone wants the specifics let me know and I will send it along.

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