Three news and invitations:

Caterina Davinio will receive Italian National Prize O. Signorini - D'ARS
in Milan on December 18 2003, for her work in new media art and poetry.
Special report in the art journal D'ARS and solo exhibition in the D'Ars
space starting on December 18. Special Thanks to Pierre Restany and D'Ars
You all are invited on December 18 at D'Ars space at Giardino A. Calderini 3
(V. Sant'Agnese), to fest together Davinio's prize and to remember the great
Pierre Restany, who directed D'Ars until his death in May 2003.

New N. 2
Don't forget GATES is still in course and it is possible to join until
December 31 (extended dead line).
GATES was featured in the "BolgWork - The Network is the Artwork", a nice
project of the last, just finished, 50th Biennale di Venezia, where also
GLOBAL POETRY (2002), PAINT FROM NATURE (2002) projects were
To know how to submit:

New N. 3
Don't miss " Interfaces 03 " meeting, Roma University II Tor
Vergata, where I am going to speak about my essay Techno-Poetry and Virtual
Realities and to show digital works (video and net).
On November 6, 05.00 PM. Aula Magna edificio Sogene (Scienze M F N). I hope
to see some of you.

Other exhibitions in course:

> is one of the seven international projects selected for Mad 03,
new media and experimental art festival in Madrid. October 24, until
November 19. In the festival are also exhibited some of my video works, and

>E- Fluxus net-video-performance "Davinio for Mr Bowman's Fried/Frozen
Events 2003", featured for the first time in the USA in the San Francisco
Performance Cinema Symposium, on Sptember 27th, has been now selected for
Observatori festival in Valencia, Spain, at Museum of Sciences Principe
Felipe in the City of the Arts of Valencia.

Hope to see you all soon
Caterina Davinio & Staff Experimental

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of its content is prohibited. Press Office.

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