hi owen,

only have time this morning to view transition #1 ( i have slow download) but will 
surely view the rest of the videos. wow! is
what i say about #1.  it is snowing and socked in with fog here so your piece was 
right on the money. i took a semester of
premiere last year and you offer a whole new way of using the program. i have been at 
the stage of new student, use everything
at once.


bests, carol

Owen Smith wrote:

> > I am still waitingon owen
> >and Sol to contribute but i want to get this rolling.
> >If i do recieve more contributions to the box I will
> >forward the pieces to those who have gotten their box.
> Yes I have been bad and since the first versions got lost in the mail I have just 
> not followed through
> with remaking them. The cards are now at the printer again and I should be able to 
> send you the new
> pieces by the middle of next week.
> On another front -here is one of the other things that I have been working on and 
> not doing the work for the box:
> http://www.altarts.org/trans/splash.html
> Because these are video files with sound if you are on a dial-up connection they 
> will be slow (very) to load - sorry. . . .
> Owen

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