Dear All,
The Freeformfreakout Organisation is pleased to announce 'A Musical Rendition of the Reason for the Freeformfreakout Organisation'
Just go to and follow the links (you might have to scroll right a bit as we are now working on a larger monitor and are unsure of how big things should be nowadays - ahem!)
We apologise for the state of the web-pages you are about to view but Bowman has just got himself some new free space and is playing again - (don't expect to see anything of any note here in the forseeable future, we reckon he's forgotten everything).
Oh yes, Mr Bowman has requested that we announce the imminent, and we use the term very loosely,release of two Compact Disk Recordings
*The Delerium Tremens Sessions* - recorded in a house up a mountain in  Pieve di Alpago, during August 2003. 
Bowman - Voice and Guitar, handrolling tobacco and papers, chief bottle opener
Diego Barovier - voice, giggling, groceries and driver
N. E. Waugh - voice, Nico impersonations, basically everything that wasn't 'pasta al tonno'
*Alchodelica* - Mestre, Nov-Dec 2003
Bowman - Acid Pro, samples and loops (all nicked), samples (not nicked), guitar (if he gets round to the overdubs), voice, fractal music production - Fractal Tunesmithy, special effects, editing etc etc blah, blah, blah.
Just in case anyone was interested
Yours etc etc
Anna Wombal & L.Mow-Banana
FFFO Furiously Scanning the Job Pages Division

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