dear mr/ms secretfluxus

are you going to offer something for discussion or just point us to books
that many of us may just well have have read?

ken was treated quite harshly by some (now ex, i believe) members of the
list, it would appear that his view of the list as a negative environment
has been coloured by this, and, having been witness to many of the tirades
launched against ken, i can't say that i blame him..
however, his point that -
>It's not enough for some people to have a list
>where they are free to post their own work. They seem to resent any
>interest in other kinds of work.

is somewhat harsh bear in mind that the only recent criticism, that i recall
anyway, has come from secretfluxus and was regarding some work of our
poetic/writer/mail-art based colleagues

i understand that the list may not be what you expected, or that it doesn't
match exactly the blurb on the membership form - but so what???
there has been a lull - true - but you must be able to see that complaining
about the lull is negative action in a place where most of us have better
things to worry about.  the list has been, on occasion, the source of some
quite wonderful work, there are some extremely creative minds kicking about
it, some of us take time off.
many of us on the list aren't always interested in the more 'academic'
discussion, an exploration and use of certain sensibilities and often a
shared want to have fun is a common bond among listmembers - this is not to
rule out the more serious side of things, but at the moment it would appear
that creation is ahead of reflection.

i am interested in finding out about the creative element of secretfluxus.
you said you are a performance group, do you do original pieces? which other
artists' work do you use? where does fluxus fit in in your lives, apart from
the performance aspects?
why have you chosen that particular name? many years spent in the company of
psychologists have left a lasting mark on me, why i use certain terms or
images, even colour in my work is something which interests me greatly - why
others make certain choices do so too.  but that's another email....


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