> Nonsense!  Wolverines are just bigger than badgers.  Wolverines are simply
bad-tempered, while >badgers are bad-tempered and cunning (and, being closer
to the ground, more cthonic).  Of course, >there is the honey badger kills
for sport, just like people do.

Sorry to disappoint you but Badgers don't exist. Do you know anyone who's
actually seen a badger? I reckon all those wildlife programs just use cgi
for badgers, that's why they're black and white as the original images were
generated on a zx80 in assembler.

Meryl, I always think of you as having been bitten by a radioactive badger,
and now scurrying the streets of Gotham looking for snacks. Maybe adamantine
claws don't suit you?

Sol. (hoping someone gets what I've just said comicwise, techwise, clockwise

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