---No Roger, I have no idea why you have trouble
sending the story.
Unrelated probs. here with our ancient PC that keeps
crashing and we get messages that say our "free
memory" is low, whatever that is? I've cleaned out
tons of files and de-fragged twice but it still keeps
telling me i have no space to start a particular
software.Yet it was working fine the other day. I
really dont understand whats going on. So a pretty
typical day here so far!
Do you know anyhting about Memory cards? Does anyone?
Is it worth updating to a higher or more powerful one?
How does one go about it? Should I attempt it myself?
I changed a CD-ROM drive once which seemd quite easy.
How does it compare?
Any help greatly appreciated.

 Roger Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
I can't seem to post part two of Nomad now. Chapters
> 5 - 11.
> Why is this I wonder?
> What goes on?
> Any ideas?
> I've sent it twice now - and the whole thing three
> times.
> Is the Nomad Slasher to blame?
> Roger

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