--What about Robotomy Hotpotomy?

As a name for a band I mean. 

or you could shorten it to RoHo

as in RoHo me lads RoHo!

- Alan Bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> - Lobotomy (probably too much punk, what do you
> think, allan, or was
> that alan, the one in italy?)
> georg,
> what do I think to a lobotomy?  what are you trying
> to say???  ;-)
> (I didn't see the germany/holland game but i think
> the swiss actually played
> at a higher level than the italians! there has been
> no conspiracy theory, no
> real complants about the referee (that's amazing!!)
> just a general
> acceptance that the italian squad played badly, are
> overpaid, oversponsored
> and spoilt. Pity.)
> I shall be in the rehearsal rooms tonight (thus
> missing the game !!!) with
> my new countrypunk/alcodelicblues band - wish me
> luck
> what about names like
> Bukoff
> The Roger Stevens
> Boing
> Punkreatic Fluid
> Slump
> The Headaches
> Sourpuss
> The Nosebleeds
> Bo Diddleysquat
> Free Drinks (a guaranteed crowd puller)
> Submissions
> Ten
> something
>  ha!
> The Not Now Vicars
> Blah Blah Blah
> Shut up Bowman!
> Sorry,
> Alan
> Yesterday my hair was an old lady shade of violet,
> fortunately this morning
> it appears to be a nice metallic blue/silver

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