
chock teerts heap fo sgnul the dooryaw climbs eht ekoms yr face spill sezzub eht window edahs water street ,bmilc eht smoke the buzzing lungs yr shaded strohs knard an wing paos cluster shorts you nodding revo yr htoot gniw fell ,soap an dim ,dewalf log yr gniddon ,swarm .mraws, nodding ry gol flawed, mid na paos, llef wing tooth ry over gniddon uoy strohs retsulc soap gniw na drank shorts dedahs ry sgnul gnizzub eht ekoms the climb, teerts retaw shade wodniw the buzzes llips ecaf ry smoke the sbmilc wayrood eht lungs of paeh street kcohc


sung ,tihs ,sobbing sucol where uoy sucked eht lwob .anam list ,yr gnus locus ,elohssa bowl lit htiw sgar ‘n candy watch sbut sloshing ah gnittips ni eht hills !rags lwob  …“hcae” hctaw spitting wah ,lakes ,ydnac ,assholes duolc the thgif house dekcus fo seye ‘n pens .ganglia demaof uoy strolling in eht nisab basin the ni gnillorts you foamed ailgnag. snep n’ eyes of sucked esuoh fight eht cloud selohssa, candy, sekal, haw gnittips watch “each”…  bowl sgar! sllih the in spitting ha gnihsols tubs hctaw ydnac n’ rags with til lwob asshole, sucol sung ry, tsil mana. bowl the dekcus you erehw locus gnibbos, shit, gnus

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029