do you think danger music is similar to working with 'milk, eggs, flour etc?'
curious connection to secret taunts
Word of the Day for Friday July 9, 2004

   flummery, noun:
   1.  A name given to various sweet dishes made with milk, eggs,
   flour, etc.
   2.  Empty  compliment;  unsubstantial  talk  or writing; mumbo
   jumbo; nonsense.

     He  had become disturbed by the number of listeners phoning
     in with such flummery as tales of self-styled clairvoyants'
     uncannily correct forecasts.
     --Suzanne Seixas, "One Man's Finances," Money, September 1,

     One  reason there is so much flummery in the global warming
     debate  is that the weather in the Northeast United States,
     where  the  opinion-makers  live,  has  a  disproportionate
     effect on whether greenhouse concerns are taken seriously.
     --Gregg   Easterbrook,   "Warming   Up,"  [1]New  Republic,
     November 8, 1999

     It  is Dr. August's claim that he receives inspiration from
     spirits,  that  through his music the departed can speak to
     those   they   left  behind.  Although  this  is  sometimes
     unabashed  flummery,  there  are moments when Fitz seems to
     make a real connection with those who have crossed over.
     --Paul  Quarrington,  "Psychic Hotline," [2]New York Times,
     September 3, 2000

   Flummery comes from Welsh llymru, a soft, sour oatmeal food.

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