Chelsea is 14 years old. Her Blog entry of July 24th reads;

4 Days...
Sucks. Everything sucks. He likes Amber. I'm not fucking good enough. If I'm not good enough for the one person I care about, what the fuck is the point of living? I want to kill myself so bad. I took 8 asprin at Bunny's house. I really shouldn't have. I bought razors at the block dance. I really shouldn't have. When I was trying to pry it out with a saftey pin, it sliced my thumb and bled a real lot. Then when I got home, I reached into my wallet to take the razors out, and it sliced my finger again. It sucked. Then I wrote his name on my stomach and made 20 slashes. It hurts, when you see the person you love hugging someone else, and ignoring you. It hurts more than slicing your wrist open.

I'm so fucking sick of everyone. Even my best friends. I don't know why. I just can't stand being around ANYONE. Everyone from Clinton has only pissed me the fuck off. And Lancaster....Lancaster is just fucking gay anyways.

I'm so sick of people.

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