Cher copain Phillipe:
je suis comme toujours frequement a ton site--je te remercie bien pour ce don a toute le monde!
i am in milwaukee making paintings from clay impressed wtih found objects and letterings, carved faces among them made with the tiny tool for extracting nut meat meats from their shells-i make these in the clay, then apply spray paint, poster paint, nail polish, stage blood water color, acrylic, inks--and rub/brayer these onto paper-
this is actually like having a very simple printing press--crossed with a very crude wood blocking!-
i have also incised into woods and impressed them--most of the pieces i sue are from car parts, broken signs, licnese plates, anyting with raised or incised letterings--out for a smoke here i just found some excellent dog licenses to use! interesting forms and lot of official lettering--machine parts i find--and some i have to take off of their attached surfaces by means of files, pliers, steel rods, brute force!-
the faces which emerge from out of the clay and objects and hand efforts--are from a sort of distillation of myraids of those seen daily and as well in memory and dream--
also made some rubBEings from some signs and from an ancient POLICE CALL BOX--
a day in many ways is a kind of distillation, as these images are--of the markings around and within being human--
although unlike distillation or subliming in chemistry--my way is to include the dross, the ephemera, the rough edged, broken fragments, as part of the arrangement-
for all the thought perhaps emotion and so forth one can write of about it--in the end, it looks very crude!
i am sure many small children make far more interesting and exciting works than these--
these are also to me sound perfornance scores-and for some i amdoing accompaying sound poetry ararnegemnts--of torn letters and syllables form newspapers-
they are to amount hopefully into a book almost done, which in turn as ever leads into another one--
a kind of seriality of seereality--see reality seer reality sear reality--but NOT surreality--
emerging and making images and sounds--whence do they come?--that's the fun of it--!
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