And there's also the first rate bookstore known as

425 E 31st St.
Balto 21218

and at


At 09:37 AM 8/10/2004 -0500, you wrote:

There sure seem to be so many fluxlist people in Baltimore!--I have been forwarding the mails to friends in Baltimore--(non-Fluxus though one very involved in Mail Art, visual poetry, poetry and painting)--

Baltimore has the only sports team named for a poetry figure--The Ravens, from Poe!--with their superstar accused formerly of murder Ray Lewis--

A few days ago a friend forwarded a piece in the Washinton papers--re zines--

again!--in Baltimore!--

a bookstore and site highly recommended for finding lot of zines:

atomic books  their site

also mentioned

maybe we all live in Baltimore and just don't know it!

i spent once a very happy afternoon with John Waters--was to be an interview--having tea--we decided to go walk about so i cd show him some alleys and so forth--(this was in Cambridge, MA)--talked about crazy vintage, junk and antique stores in baltimore, all the characters in that scene--(my mom long involved with that in Vermont so he wanted to hear of the people there)--

last week a friend took myself and another fella to see immense egyptian exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum--spectacular exhiit here for many months--the final stage of the journey is to be inside a huge multi somber hued tomb-coverd with hieroglyphs--mainly texts form THE BOOK OF THE DEAD--

exiting this, you

move along a slwoly sloping corridor--and emerge--into the giftshop!

so this was the journey of the soul into the afterlife!

immortality for sale!souvenirs!--postcards! keychains!--statuettes--pens--cds--an explosin of light and glitter!--what a relief-- that long journey through darkness-and here we are!--in the gift shop of immortality--

in a way i suppose this is also a Visionary Museum Experience--

the Art Museum here is free on Mondays and Saturdays--before noon entrances--if you live in the County--wander among the excellent American Folk Art rooms, the rooms of Haitian paintings-

and inspiring indeed to me with these is the Papua New Guinea diorama at Public Museum--free all day on Mondays--the beings in it--seem--uncannily--to be whom i am part of i some way!--i want to move in!--and there are no gifts stores among the Head Hunters!--those heads are not for sale!--

art for the people!--though some heads ARE for sale-- Paco, Puerto Rican street person alcoholic friend of mine--had emerged form among alleys--needed some cash--and produced for me a head looking like King Kong'!--carved out of a cocont--with great carvings for nose mouth eyes, painted, the teeth immense rows gleaming white--the hair made of cocunut strands--

my duagher and i had just been speaking of coconuts--her name is covay so sometimes called "coconut"--so of course, i had to bring her a cocout head!

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Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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