brian is pronounceable.

since being diagnosed in 1997 as paranoid-scizhophrenic,
      i have been on various different meds, but for the
      last few years i have a cocktail that has been
      working very well.
i always take my meds, and cannot imagine folks that are
  supposed to take them and don't.
now on to the other drugs.

weed - will and always shall.  that's when i can find it.
       (being a shut-in doesn't gather many contacts).
alcohol - used to down stout after stout, but since i
          was diagnosed, i rarely touch it.
          (may sound funny and contrary to the pot, but
           as you know there is a big difference and not
           just  health  wise.)
LSD - it is funny.  i was just thinking about how most
      folks tend to lump LSD into a youthful folly
      drug.  my opinion is contrary, as LSD isn't
      just a cool high.  it needs to be tended to with
      clarity and respect, something that most people
      seem to lack when it comes to hallucinogens.
      you/i can keep with it, as it has always opened
      my senses and mind to a different view and
      appreciaton of life in all it's vagaries.
      synthetic yes, but it still can be treated with the
      power it delivers.
mushrooms - a different trip than LSD.  naturally, more
            organic, and i have tended to have better
            times in nature than inside with a shroom
cocaine - tried it once.  see no point in it.  seems though
          that most people in El Paso prefer cocaine to any
          other drug.  trying to keep up with the  big city .
speed - coffee is as fast as i want to go, and i even 
        drink it with  what the fuck am i doing?  stance.
        have tried meth, and well, i don't feel like 
        staying up for three days and feeling like a fucking
        dirt bag.
robitussin and ephedrine - yes, yuck, but it was a phase,
                           and i wouldn't do it again.  though,
                           while high on robitussin, i did 
                           gather one of my favorite ideas/?.
                           what would Jesus look like if he was a
                                Peanut character?  i keep this
                           with me on the bad days.
heroin/opium and others - the best of them all.  if i ever again
                          find a way to get some dope, i would use
                          it responsibly by not shooting it, but by
                          lacing some natural smoke, or some good
                          weed.  keep the high manageable, and coast
                          through my work and projects.
hash - the reason i want to live in Amsterdam or in a small Belgium

as you, Allan, i am an active supporter of the legalization and
   eductaion on the drug platform.  it's something this conutry
   serious lacks and wastes billions of dollars on the  problem .
   it's only a problem if you make it one.  the qualities associated
   with some of the above drugs are greatly skewed.
yes.  my body.  my choice.

thank you for actually answering this question in particular, and
      some of the others.  
i appreciate this group to no end, as you all are my main form of
  communication and socialization.  i was brought up solo, and spent
  my formative years hooked to a C-64 and QuantumLink, not being
  readily accepted at the time due to my computer usage.
being an only child has tremendous advantages that help you 
      deal with later life with a bit more self-reliance than
      you freaks with siblings.  :)
where was i...oh.  sometimes it seems that the Alice in
      Wonderland grip on FluxList makes nonsense the norm
      and seriousness the black sheep.  it is annoying at
      times, but i understand that Fluxus never takes/took
      itself (or its non-self) very seriously.

all this said, i will get back to work and continue to enjoy 
    and support what i can of FluxList and the super kids
    that inhabit it.

love, hugs, kisses and spit.


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