Excellent stuff, Allen!

Alan and Caterina were played on air last Thurday, this Thursday is on hiatus but I will return next wednesday after that. I have some ideas.

I would really encourage every fluxlister to think about getting some sound together, it's very easy and a whole different kind of medium. The more the merrier.


allen bukoff wrote:

I can't download alan bowman's mp3 but I am sure this is just as good if not better:  a recording of me raking early fall leaves outside this afternoon and intermittently saying "Dick Higgins" (2 minutes and 50 seconds).  Get it hear:  http://www.allenbukoff.com/sound/rakingleaves2004.html

I believe this is the only "sound thing" I have ever done.

Allen B

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 02:50:34 -0400, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
 Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

 A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio and Audio
 That Has Artists

 WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents:

 "The Birdwatchers Corner"

 hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
 Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

 We are calling for any interested artists to submit soundscapes,
 sound design, radio documentaries, dj mixes, found sound, spoken
 word etc for on air broadcast

 Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

 Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

 email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

 feel free to point us toward mp3s
 (but please don't email us with them!)



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