hi sol,
i remember a 'fluxstats' you did a few years ago

Anyway the results are up at http://solnte.50g.com/stats/  biggish file
(127k) but I wanted all names on one page so that people could see how much
they'd participated.

it would be interesting to add to the fluxlist 'portrait' and i like the
idea of the book.

bests, carol

Sol Nte wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> The atlas could also include the cookbook recipes. I was never able to do
> anything with those because there were so few (about 25 in total)..I really
> wanted to do a proper book with them.
> What I suggest for the atlas is a proper book.......A4,perfect bound, full
> colour cover, black and white pages ::text/image/halftones.  Since cafepress
> offers good publishing facilities from pdf we can do the book as pdf in
> quark/publisher/pages in ilustrator etc then offer the PDF as a free
> download but allow people to buy a print version via cafepress..this way
> printing will be on demand and the only initial investment is time.
> wow, my first two posts in the same day on fluxlist for ages.....reminds me
> of the nineties!
> cheers,
> Sol.
> > aww shucks!
> > thanks sol, it's all roger steven's fault!  he suggested something
> different about a completely different thing, about which i'm sure he's
> forgotten, over dinner in venice some moons ago.
> >
> > see?
> >
> > so is it a goer then?  anyone interested could send an offlist mail to me
> and i'll make a list.  that should do for starters.....
> >
> > a

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