Dear Sol:

Thank you so very deeply much--

i wil go on my way to consult the Oracle

and begin sending / doing all i can for this magnificent start, again thank you!

"The One whose Oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals, but gives signs"

i could contribute somme Mail Art essays that have appeared in KAIRAN, --one Ann Klestad is doing, but have another--

and making another one going into links among art brut/mail art/also some things re writings of Dubuffet in regards to some in fluxus--ditto of course with the Mail Art

al these interconnections fascinate me--a non-linear entwining in and out and all around--

the only one of the original fluxus persons i have met in person was Dick Higgins--

but --interviews among the "new' people would be great--

a lot of people on fluxlist lead very interesting vital lives--and their works also--i recall many good exchanges through time re daily life, methods of making things--once many people writing in graciously with methods of doing transfers that i really appreciated--i loveed that "shop tlak" sytle that relates with daily life--

as a lot of fluxus to me at any rate is very much to do with what one might usual relegate soley to the ephemeral--so much dust!--

actually just reading wery inteersting piece re dust--by dubuffet--then there  is the dust project Duchamp did--

(Baudelaire described modernsim as being the finding of the eternal within the ephemeral--works wel with fluxus in my way of thinking of it--and with the eternal Network oif Mail Art--)

so that even dust, which can be thought of in terms of ashes to ashes dust to dust

may be an event--that's the energy that i know i has been really good in my daily life that i find often here-

as i think fluxus has so much to with just forgetting all the nonsense/barriers re art/life being seperate--

(where did that ideqa come from anyway--i have never understood it--)

onwo?ards--to the beyondwo/ards--


>From: "Sol Nte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: FLUXLIST:
>Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:23:38 -0000
>Hi all,
>In order to redress the loss of Allen Bukoff's Fluxlist companion site:
>Yesterday evening I purchased as well as 100Mb of web space to
>go with it. My plan is to build a new fluxlist companion site as well as
>reinstate all the fluxlist sites that I and others have made in the past but
>consolidate them in one place. This is something I would have done before
>buy I never wanted to upset Allen Bukoff since he ran the list companion
>My plan is to provide the following on
>1) A list of fluxlist members and any other Fluxus artists who wish to be
>listed. The name listing will link to your website.
>2) A list of Fluxus documents: essays, texts interview etc.  I hope those
>who've published on Fluxus will be generous enough to allow me to reproduce
>some of that material on the web.
>3) Interviews: Begin an interview program with new and old Fluxus artists.
>Many of you will no doubt be able to help with that.
>4)Website archive: I will archive all Fluxlist websites. This means that all
>the pages here and there we've had over the years can be collected together
>in one place, of course they can still remain in their original location
>Okay, well that's the start. If you have any more ideas let me know.

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