Hi David-Babtiste,

I agree that the Stewart Home books you mention are well worth the read. SLOW DEATH does have its brutal parts, but it is also funny in its descriptions of various other artists (it leaves you wondering which mail artists and others of that genre the characters were based on).

Reid (State of Being)

On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, at 03:43 PM, David-Baptiste Chirot wrote:

Hello Everyone--
Badger girl has asked if S.Home was not the author of various titles--
here are some of his--i should note that his ASSAULT ON CULTURE  Utopian Currents from Lettrisem to Class War is a good book--it has a very aggressive style--yet does conver alot of ground that is so often just ignored--
there are chapters re Mail Art and Fluxus that are good--
there are alsovchapters re Situationism in relation to the arts--the period of involvement with the Italians for example--invovllements of painters such a s Gallizio whio made immensely long paintings that are scroled and unscroled --and you just buy it at what ver lenght you want--a painting machine at work!--and Asger jorn, a very interesting artis and writer and collecotr of Nordic Arts--)
it has immense bibliography which wd be useful to ones interested --
i liked it he sets out to examine "Utopian Currents"--and keeps this  in mind throughout
Home was very involevd in the neosit and Art Atrike endeavors and has some books out on these also--
as well as one on plagiarlism
he also authors skinhead novels--i have read one--very violent and cltohes conscious, with rough sex thrown in--the one i read is called SLOW DEATH--basuically a good solid "gerne" novel--brutal and effecitve in that manner--not a pelasant read--on purpose--which i dont have a probelm with as it is in keping with the material in yr face style--
i thought people on the list here might find wom e of his writings regarding esp fluxus and Mail Art interesting if you don't already know of the books--
he emphasizes that at first Fluxus was being done by musicians--rthe role they palyed in it and stil do today --on thislist many of us involeved with music/sounds/noise--to be sure!
onwo/ards, david-baptiste

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