Title: RE: FLUXLIST: <ZINGfish> Tale
<TARsuse>!  ... i WIIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!!

Now to your Qs:
  • So far as I understand it BFI, IFB and even IFSEQ (Institute of Fluxus in South East Queensland) are one and the same but I’ll stand corrected but the Institute concerned with FLUXUS is based in Brisbane _ perhaps its director might help you out here via the list;
  • As for who’s up that is a matter for the Institute – I’m mostly concerned with a dinner ingredient for 18/02/05 @ 7ish
  • News will be forthcoming via updates on<http://www.trevallyn.com/zF_story.htm> (stuff there already) and I’ll post other stuff to the list if there is <ANYinterest>;
  • As for <prestidigitatingFLUXTER>  that sort of thing is up to the Institute BUT it’s a <GOODidea> and perhaps it could be an international award with nominations being made via the list?? AND voting could even be via the list??   

Watch <THISspace>

RAy ...
from way out here at the <WORLDSedge> and the home of <ZENzing>

Cc: <ZINGfish> people

On Sunday, February 13, 2005, at 07:12 AM, suse wrote:

ducky flux, sir,
I hope you enjoy ravenously and playfully -- what sorts of awards are issued? --who's up? And is it the BFI or the Institute of Fluxus in Brisbane. IF in Brisbane--
love to hear big news from the event
some sparkle on this dreary warring world
I'll check in yer menu
Will? BFI BIF IF/&etc? be presenting?the prestigious prodigiously prestidigitating Fluxster of the year award?

----- Original Message -----
From: Ray Norman
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 9:38 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: <ZINGfish> Tale

Well I’m going to Brisbane on the 18/02/05 to attend the <INAUGURALdinner> for the presentation of awards sponsored by the Brisbane FLUXUS Institute. I’ll be taking a <MENUcomponent> from <WORLDSedge> and the thread is starting to evolve – <http://www.trevallyn.com/zingFISH.htm>

Ray ... from way out here at <WORLDSedge> and the home of <ZENzing> ?

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