On Mar 05 2005, at 18:51, Crispin Webb wrote:

almost no cost
get a dvd player that can play picture cd and have people send you files and put the files on the
cd and repeat them on a projector or a small 13 in tv
you can do any idea if your willing to compromise a little
you could also make a quicktime slide show and burn it to a vcd that will play in
most newer dvd players i thing you can fit like 60 minutes worth of pics on a vcd..
and you dont have to have dvd burner just a cd writer..
you could also use a laptop or a desktop with s video out and run it through a vcr
it will display the computer screen on any television and then play a slide show from iphoto or
picture viewer in windows

Crispin's right! Much cheaper (but a bit less "sensational").

I did this kinda thing for Xmas get-together:
2 DVDs - each with 360 songs (each one about 21 hours in length and 2.40GB in size)
paired with a visual for each song.

If I wanted to create only ONE DVD, then I could've recorded about 700 songs with visuals
(about 40 hours in length).

Something to consider...


â During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel.
~ Rodney Dangerfield

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