Allzu Klug ist dumm.

[German proverb---Too smart is dumb.]

Okay, now I have a question.  Who are "the ancients"
referred to in this post?  Is this in code?  Are we
speaking about gods here...or older, graying mail
artists (...who only think their God!!!)  [Joke,
people..&[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a is actually the
punch line of one of may favorite jokes about Herbert
von Karajan, the now deceased ex-conductor of the
Vienna Philharmonic. 

Dawn Amato

--- brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ties to the academic system, being?
> what constitutes academia?
> if there are those who have no ties to  academia  ,
> does
>    that disclude them from participating?
> if  academia  means nonsense then i have to agree.
> i have taken time off since the dissolving of the
> Fluxus related
>   sites to reflect on what this list is for, why am
> i (or others)
>   still attached to this list, and maybe why the 
> Ancients  never
>   seemed to take interest in the whole shebang.
> Chemical Brothers "Galvanize"
> Barnes and Noble
> myself having a less than illustriuous career in the
>  higher
>        education system, i have learned some things:
>     school is not all that it is cracked up to be.
>     the majority of people i have talked to that
> have
>         degrees in varying stages and types, all
> seem
>         to think that they are above those that
> don't.
>     the majority of people i have talked to that
> have
>         degrees in varying stages and types, all
> seem
>         to think that since they have a degree, they
>         know more about EVERYTHING than those who
>         don't.
> (exceptions yes, but norm, no)
>     as far as further academia goes, the more
> learned
>        and mostly tenured folks have either washed
> them-
>        selves clean of the  I know more than you 
> crap, or
>        are noticeably apologetic towards their youth
> and
>        silliness where they had such pretense and
>        laughably pompous attitudes towards the 
> unlearned .
>     just because someone does not hold a piece of
> paper in
>          their hand, does not mean that they are
> idiots.
> (now you sill say,  I never thought that.   then why
> even
>  bring academics up?)
>     i will bet that many people you admire have
> never been to
>       school.  some, not even high school.
>     present day art school students are not the
> revolutionaries,
>             or the ones that move gears.  they
> operate in a well
>             defined crib of  modernity  and
> affectation, subscribing
>             to the business and taking their place
> in line with knife
>             in tow, and Hollywood cheerfulness. 
> burying their
>             heroes in their collectively produced
> shit, hoping that
>             noone will notice.
> (take a trip to Hope, Idaho...he would have knocked
> your silly
>  stylings to dirt.)
>     as for myself, i can always go back to school
> and finish the
>        30 credits or so left, but i have gained much
> more
>        in not even relating to school, save for my
> best friend
>        working on his doctorate in Archaeology.  the
> courses
>        that i have taken that have meant the most
> were a Gypsy
>        Language and Folklore course that at the time
> was the only
>        one taught besides one at Sorbonne, a
> Parageogrpahy class
>        that had us as a final project to create our
> own world, and
>        and Introduction to the Internet in 93 (92?)
> that was the
>        only one taught at all, in the days where Sun
> systems
>        were the workhorses, and everything was
> telnet and ftp,
>        with sites closing at midnight and opening in
> the morning.
>     do i take pride in the above?  damn straight. 
> does that show
>        the power of further schooling?  hell yeah. 
> but that was
>        3 courses out of many.  the rest was learned
> by resistance
>        and acceptance, going hungry and going
> bankrupt, making
>        friends and inviting enemies.
> ("Go to the library to learn.  Go to school
> (college) to get laid")
> there are some folks here that i love talking to and
> exchanging thoughts
>       and ideas with, and some that i hold as heroes
> of mine and
>       ones that i would love to collaborate with in
> depth.  i will be
>       asking for the email/snail mail addresses of
> you all in the next
>       few days, and i hope you respond.  that will
> be the end of my
>       involvement with the list and with Fluxus as
> this list has seemingly
>       defined it. 
> there are others that i really don't care to deal
> with, or know
>       what they are up to.  too much self-promotion
> and silly poems
>       that clutter my box.
> (Sticks and stones... for everyone)
> the Fluxus elders may have not contributed to the
> list/movement if they
>     indeed took a look at what is going on.  the
> name of this list
>     should be  A Collective Take On What It Might
> Look Like To Publish
>                  In Wonderland.
> take care of yourselves and give dope a try...
> brian.

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